Five recent legal challenges faced by the world community

The world community constantly face challenges on a wide range of issues and they try to solve these problems via law to maintain peace, though the law is constantly developing it lacks some application that could made the world a better place. On the other hand to solve some problem we adopt new system that creates further problems.
Here are five of them 

The vacuum of climate refugee right: Climate refugee is one of the greatest legal challenges for the world community; this unavoidable climate refugee crisis is a comparatively new emerging problem, which the world is facing right now, as there is no unanimous international instrument has been ratified, nor any other sustainable measures were taken. But this is the most important issue that should be addressed conferring the responsibility to the countries who are liable for the climate refugee. A right and duty based approach should be established with full functional authoritative body.

Cold war / Proxy war: The super powers like America, Russia are trying to establish their military and economic power all over the world. They are interfering in every national and international issues they can. They are using regional power like Saudi Arabia and Iran to prove their dominance. As a result, the world is facing a continuous threat to peace and both Human Right and Humanitarian law violation, thus destabilizing the whole world. Though there are Human Rights and Humanitarian Law these law finds it very challenging to stop these super powers from playing their game.

Gender Discrimination: For the equal treatment of people LGBT right has faced a massive challenge all most all over the world, though still, it is facing legal bar in most of the country which is yet to overcome and which should be overcomed for the equality and non-discrimination of all human being. It was very much challenging as there was inherent social stigma which takes more effort to change then other rights.

Misuse of IP Protection: Protection became the tool of oppression in many cases, one of this is The Intellectual Property right. Now world giants are not the governments but the corporates because they hold the brain of society and that brain only works for money. Having the invention protected, they charge the people/country without any reasonable ground, and all this thing is done under the protection of the law. Now people are dying for medicine and technology but they cannot have these necessary technologies though these things are achievable, but for the application of Laws and regulations restricted the people with sufferings and this is a great challenge that should be solved.

Rise of Populist Movement: Respect is a fundamental resource to treat humanity but rising populist movement is being intolerant to some group of people, the rise of the populist politician like Mr. Trump (USA), Nigel Farage (UK), Marine Le Pen (French), Norendro Modi (India) is a clear indication of the popularity of populist movement, while this seems to be a non-threatening element of world politics actually it is indeed a great threat and a great challenge to world community. This movement is getting stronger which is based on separation, inequality and hatred are not excluded. Through their empowerment is legal but they are now taking decisions and making new laws which are often challenging and conflicting to the Human Rights. Moreover, they will create new law, if they do it, being sentimental definitely this will result in an error like the regime of Adolf Hitler; I believe this is a great challenge that the world community is facing now.

As the new issues are detected the expert are working to address overcome this problems.

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Rayhanul Islam

Advocate Rayhanul Islam is the founder and Editor in Chief of Law Help BD. He is also a researcher. Critical thinking is his main focus. He is on a quest to bring positive change to the legal sector of Bangladesh. He promotes legal knowledge and human rights concept to the root level. e-mail:

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