Author: Law Help Bangladesh
Cheque as a negotiable instrument is familiar with the economic transaction which may be for personal or business purposes as we don’t yet conceive cashless transaction method. So, a huge amount can be given...
Madrid Agreement (Marks): The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks is governed by the Madrid Agreement, concluded in 1891, and the Protocol relating to that Agreement, concluded in 1989. The system...
Introduction The doctrine of fundamental rights is feature of United States law under which certain human rights that enshrined in the US constitution are given a high degree of judicial deference in conflicts between...
The operation of laws upon persons existing beyond the limits of the enacting state or nation but who are still amenable to its laws. Jurisdiction exercised by a nation in other countries by treaty, or...
ARREST BEFORE JUDGMENT ORDER 38 of The Code of Civil Procedure RULES (1-4) RULE 1. Where defendant may be called upon to furnish security for appearance. Where, at any stage of a suit, other...
When you are a service you must have the service agreement with your employer unless you want to face problem in near future but unfortunately, in our county, most of the people are really...
If you are a dealer or a manufacturer you must have some legal agreement between manufacturer and dealer. this document may help you to prepare yours and for your better understanding. Agreement between Manufacturer and...
Articles of Association of ……………… Company Ltd. The provisions of Table A in the first schedule of the Companies Act 1956, shall apply to this company so far as they are applicable to private...
MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF EASTERN PRIVATE LIMITED Name of the company: The name of the company is Eastern Private Limited Registered Office: The Registered Office of the company will be situated at ……………… in the...
Decree In a civil suit, several facts might be alleged and the court may be required to rule on several claims. In simple terms, a decree is the ruling of the court regarding the...
Consequences of Non appearance of parties (Order 9) The general provisions of CPC are based on the principle that both the parties must be given an opportunity to be heard. The proceedings must not...
Trial in Court The charge is the inquiry stage from trial. The whole object of framing a charge is to enable the defence to concentrate its attention on the case that accused has to...
Contents of a Charge Sections 221 to 224 specify the particulars that should be stated in the charge. Particulars are as follows: # Particulars as to the time and place of the alleged offence,...
Trial and punishment under the Constitution and the Code of Criminal Procedure Provision of Article 35 of the Constitution of Bangladesh: Article 35 is concerned with penal enactments or other laws under which personal...
Introduction: Liberty is a comprehensive term. Its nature and quality are determined with reference to constitution under which it may be restricted in the interest of society or the state. Though the right to...
The person who listens to the criminal cases as presented by police or by any other party (i.e victim or his/her relatives) is known as “Magistrate” (Judge). Before the start of a trial (Criminal)...
Evidence includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. Giving or procuring evidence is the process of using those things that are either (a) presumed to be true, or (b) which...
A test identification parade (TIP) is a procedure in which the alleged offender is brought before witnesses and victims for identification. Introduction: The term ‘Identification’ means proving or fixing before the court that a...
By: Justice (retd) U.L. Bhat | May 1, 2014 The most important question in a prosecution for the offence of rape is how exactly to appreciate the testimony of the rape victim. One important...
We all know that in criminal law, every person is presumed innocent, until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But what does this mean? In the context of a criminal trial, this means the...