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Company Registration in Bangladesh 0

Company registration process in Bangladesh

Every businessman begins his journey with a dream to be an established businessman in the country, to contribute to the nation’s economy by establishing his company as a multinational brand. In order to do...


Concept of the Law of Tort

The concept of Tort law is not very native to the common people, It foreign and quite confusing to a general person. Moreover, the application of tort law in Bangladesh is also countable as...

Lubna Akhter

Lubna Akhter

Lubna Akther is a graduate of Eastern University, currently pursuing her higher education in the UK. She has been a contributor to Law Help BD since 2019. Now she is working as an Editor...

Free legal consultancy

Free legal consultancy

Are you looking for a qualified lawyer at Dhaka? Do you want to discuss your legal issue with a professional? Would you like to take legal advice for free? Law Help BD can help....

Legal support policy

Legal support policy

Welcome to Law Help BDs legal support centre. You must have come after receiving our first reply or just by browsing out of your curiosity. whatever it is let’s talk about our Legal support...