Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission (BJS) exam syllabus & mark distribution 2019 [updated]

Being a Judge and serving justice is one of the most prestigious and valuable jobs in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission (BJSC) is the sole authority to assess the candidates for appointments at the entry-level of the Bangladesh Judicial Service through public examinations of law student of Bangladesh. The entry-level post at the Judicial Service is Assistant Judge or Judicial Magistrate.

If you wonder  “How to be a Judge in Bangladesh?” just follow the post, every detail like educational background, syllabus, preparation and procedures are given below. [Know more about the court structure of Bangladesh here]


– : update : –

13th BJSC exam circular and complete syllabus with Mark distribution

Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission has published 13th BJSC examination circular on 09.10.2019 via their official website. here are the deadlines and summaries of the circular.

  • Organization: Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission BJSC
  • Name of Post: Appointment of Assistant Judge
  • Job Type: Governments Job [Judicial Service; Judiciary]
  • Application Fee: 1200 Taka
  • Online Application starts: 15.10.2019 [10.00 am]
  • Online Application ends: 30.10.2019 [5.00 pm]
  • Total Posts: 100
  • pay scale: 30935 … 64430

See the official guideline in Bangla here [in PDF]: 13th BJS examinaiton.pdf 

See the official Syllabus in Bangla here [in PDF]: 13th BJS Syllabus 2019

Don’t forget to read the whole article if you want to know all the details of BJS exam and more. 

Who Can Apply:

Any person may apply for this post if s/he is:

  1. a citizen of Bangladesh;
  2. obtained LL.B degree with 2nd class or LL.M. degree with 2nd class from any recognized university; and
  3. having the age not exceeding 32 years.


The assessment is primarily a process of examination in three stages.

1. Preliminary examination:

The candidates must sit for a 100 marks MCQ type examination and secure at least 50 marks to sit for the written examination.

Syllabus of Preliminary examination: There are about 50 percent legal questions. The rest of the questions are asked from Bengali, English, Maths, Science and Technology, Intellect, Bangladesh and International Affairs. Pass number 50 percent in MCQ examination. Each wrong answer will deduct number 0.25. Candidates who will pass the preliminary examination can only participate in written exams.

2. Written examination:

The candidates who passed the preliminary examination will sit for 1000 marks written examination.

The written test will be of thousand numbers. In which Bengali will cover 100 marks, 100 in English, 50 in mathematics, 50 in daily science, 50 in Bangladesh subjects and 50 in international affairs. Subsequently, a written examination of 500 marks will be required for the written examination of the law. Among them, these questions are asked about civil laws, criminal law, constitutional matters, Muslim and family law related matters. At the end of the test number 100 optional subject matter. The written test should be 50 percent of the average. However, if you get less than 30 percent marks in any case, it will be futile.

The Mark distribution of written will be as follows:

Compulsory General Subjects

Total 400 of 1000 Marks

1. 1. General Bengali 100 Marks
2. 2. General English 100 Marks
3. 3. Bangladesh and International Affairs (50+50) 100 Marks
4. 4. Math and Science (50+50) 100 Marks

Total: 400 Marks


Compulsory Law Subjects

Total 500 of 1000 Marks


Laws related to Civil matters

A. Core Civil laws:

  1. Code of Civil Procedure 1908
  2. Specific Relief Act, 1877

B. Other Civil / Related Laws:

  1. The Civil Courts Act, 1887
  2. The Limitation Act 1908
  3. বিকল্প বিরোধ নিষ্পত্তির ধারনা ও এতদসংক্রান্ত আইন
A: 60 marks

B: 40 Marks

100 Marks

Laws related to Criminal matters

  1. Code of Criminal Procedure 1898
  2. Penal Code 1860
  3. Evidence Act, 1872
40 Marks

40 Marks

20 Marks

100 Marks

Laws related to Family matters & Personal Law:

  1. Muslim Law
  2. Hindu Law
  3. Other Laws (related to personal law)
    1. Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939
    2. Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961
    3. Family Courts Ordinance, 1985
40 Marks

20 Marks

40 Marks

100 Marks

Constitutional Law, General Clauses Act and Evidence Act :

  1. Constitutional Law & Bangladesh Constitution
  2. Explanation of Law
    1. General Clauses Act, 1897
    2. Interpretation of Law
80 Marks

20 Marks

100 Marks

Land Law, Contract, Registration, Transfer of Property and others Law :

  1. Contract, TP & Registration:
    1. The Contract Act, 1872
    2. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
    3. Registration Act, 1908
  2. Land Related:
    1. The State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950
    2. The Non-agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949
60 Marks

40 Marks

100 Marks

Total: 500 Marks


Optional Law Subjects

Anyone from given two option

Total 100 of 1000 Marks


Law related to Women, Children, environment . etc:

  1. নারী, শিশু ও সহায়তা আইন:
    1. শিশু আইন ২০১৩
    2. নারী ও শিশু নির্যাতন দমন আইন ২০০০
    3. আইনগত সহায়তা প্রদান সংক্রান্ত আইন
  2. বিশেষ ক্ষমতা ও মাদক দ্রব্য আইন:
    1. Special Powers Act, 1974
    2. মাদক দ্রব্য আইন, ২০১৮
60 Marks

40 Marks

100 Marks

Anti Corruption, ICT, Human trafficking etc:

  1. দূর্নীতি  ও আইন শৃঙ্খলা বিঘ্নকারী অপরাধ:
    1. দুর্নীতি দমন সংক্রান্ত আইন
    2. আইন শৃঙ্খলা বিঘ্নকারী অপরাধ (দ্রুত বিচার) আইন ২০০২
  2. অন্যান্য আইন:
    1. মানব পাচার প্রতিরোধ ও দমন আইন ২০১২
    2. ডিজিটাল নিরাপত্তা আইন, ২০১৮
40 Marks

60 Marks

100 Marks

Total: 100 Marks

Please use our Search Bar to find out your relevant Law subject/topic

Compulsory General Subjects

Total 400 of 1000 Marks


1. General Bengali (Topics)

১. সাধারণ বাংলা: ক) রচনা খ) ভাবসম্প্রসারন গ) সারমর্ম/ সারংশ ঘ) বিষয় ভিত্তিক প্রতিবেদন তৈরি ঙ) অনুবাদ চ) পত্র লিখন: ৫০ মার্ক

২. ব্যাকরন: ৫০ মার্ক

100 Marks

General English & Grammer (50+50) Marks

  • Essay
  • Amplification of Ideas
  • Summary Writing
  • Objective Reporting
  • Translation
  • Letter Writing
  • Grammar
    • Correction of errors in composition
    • Fill in the blanks
    • Idioms and phrase
    • Transformation of sentence
    • Use of verbs
    • Parts of speech
    • Voice
    • Narration
    • Antonyms and synonyms
    • Use of articles
    • Tense
    • Degrees
100 Marks

Bangladesh & International Affairs (50+50 =100 Marks)

1. Bangladesh

  • Topographical and Demographic Features of Bangladesh;
  • Historical background of Bangladesh & Bangladesh Liberation War;
  • Life and Works of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Father of the Nation;
  • Social Economic and Political Life in Bangladesh
  • Art and Literature of Bangladesh
  • Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh
  • Resources and Conservation Natural, Flora and Fauna, Mineral
  • Management of Water and Energy Resources
  • Various Development Strategies and Policies of Bangladesh
  • Foreign Policies and Relations of Bangladesh
  • Role of Education in Human Resource Development
  • Role of Media and Information and Communication Technology
  • The government of Bangladesh: Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
  • Administrative Set-Up: Central and Local Governments;
  • Civil-Military Relations in Bangladesh; 
  • Combating Corruption in Bangladesh and the Impact of Corruption on Socio-Economic Development;
  • Role of NGO’S in Bangladesh; (xvii) Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh;
  • Political and Economic Institutions and Their Accountability;
  • Good Governance and Accountability of Public Institutions;
  • Civil Society, Democracy and State Building; 
  • Reforms in Bangladesh: Administrative, Land and Education;
  • Role of IMF, ADB, IDB, World Bank in Bangladesh;
  • Role of Securities and Exchange Commission;
  • Effect of Free Market and Globalization in Bangladesh; 
  • Role of Agriculture, Industry, Commerce and Service Sectors to GNP, GDP and Per Capita Income of Bangladesh;
  • Human Resource Development and Migration Strategy of Bangladesh;
  • Important Issues and Current Affairs.

2. International Affairs 

  • The relationship between International Law and Municipal Law
  • Application of International Law in State Territories; 
  • State as a Subject of International Law: Rights and Duties of States, State responsibility and State succession and State territorial jurisdiction; 
  • Settlement of International Disputes; 
  • State Sovereignty: Meaning and Components; 
  • Individuals under International law
  • Balance of Power
  • Law of the Sea: Delimitation of Bangladesh’s Maritime Zones, Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone, High Seas
  • The United Nations General Assembly, Security Council. International Court of Justice, Economic and Social Council and The Development Agenda, Collective Security, Conflictual Issues and Peace Keeping, RIO Conference (Environment), Kyoto Protocol, Cairo Conference (Population), Copenhagen Conference (Social Issues); Beijing Conference (Women); International Labour Organization, World Trade Organization, Bangladesh and Amnesty International;
  • NATO;
  • Non-Aligned Movement;
  • Commonwealth,
  • Diplomatic and Consular Law: Diplomacy, Diplomatic Envoys, Functions and Immunities of Diplomatic Envoys;
  • Armament and Disarmament: Treaties relating to arms control;
  • Economic Instrument of National Policy, Tariff, Cartels, Dumping, Quotas and Licenses, Loan and Grant, Inter-government Agent; Barter Commodity Agreement; Pre-emptive buying, Exchange Control, Control of Enemy Assets;
  • Regionalism: Meaning and Reasons for Forming Regional. Organizations, ASEAN, BIMSTEC, OPEC, OAS, APEC, SAARC, SAFTA, NAFTA, EU, 01C, African Union, GCC; 
  • The International Politics of South East Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Sub Sahara Region; 
  • Foreign Policies of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, North Korea, UK, USA, France, Germany, South Africa, Israel and Russia;
  • Financial institutions: G-8, G-77, LDCs, G-20, ADB, World Bank, WTO, European Union Bank, IMF, Islamic Development Bank; 
  • Important Issues and Current Affairs.


100 Marks

Math & Everyday Science (50+50 = 100 Marks)

1. Math  

  • Arithmetic: Simplification; Averages: Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple; Unitary Method; Percentages; Simple Interest; Loss and Gain; Work and Time, Ratio and Proportion.
  • Algebra: Simplification, Formulas for Squares and Cubes and Their Applications; Polynomials; Remainder; Theorem; Factorisation of Quadratic and Cubic Polynomials; Simple Equations; Systems of Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Unknowns; Graphs of Linear Equations.
  • Basic Theorems (including their consequences) on Straight loc Triangles; Parallel Lines; Parallelograms; Circles; Theorem of Lines, Angles; Triangles Pythagoras; Area of Triangle.

2. Everyday Science

  • Information and communication technology: 10 Marks
  • General Knowledge about Computer and IT, Composition of Computer, Software and Hardware, Operating Systems, Word Processing, Spreadsheet Analysis Database, Computer Programming, Computer Network and Internet. E-mail, Application of Computer and Multimedia, etc:
  • Others: 40 Marks
  • Light: Nature, Spectrum, Different colours and Wavelengths, X-ray. Ultraviolet Radiation and LASER, etc;
  • Sound: Hearing Mechanism, Decibel, Frequency, Sound Machines in Home and Around: Television, Radio, Cell Phone, Telephone, Fax, Tape Recorder, Microphone, Loud Speaker, Public Address System, etc;
  • Electricity: Current, Cell, Battery, Generator, Light Bulb, Voltage, Heater, Plug, Socket, Live Wire and Possible Hazards, etc;
  • Magnet: Polarity and Relationship with Current, etc;
  • Disease and Healthcare: Deficiency, Infection, Antiseptic, Antibiotics, Stroke, Heart Attack and Hypertension, Diseases and Vaccination, Basic Concept of Cancer, AIDS and Hepatitis. Ultrasonography, ECG, MRI, City Scan, Endoscopy etc;
  • Atmosphere: Biosphere and Hydrosphere: Basic Treatment, Role of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen, Fresh and polluted Water, Pasteurization, Disaster Management, etc;
  • Biotechnology: DNA, DNA Test, RNA, Gene, Genetic Disorder in Human Beings, Cloning, Sex Determining Chromosome, etc;
  • Primary Physics: Motion, Force, Work, Power & Energy, Heat & Temperature, etc;
  • Chemistry in Daily Life: Table Salt (Sodium Chloride), Testing Salt, Baking Powder. Vinegar, Cold Drinks, Washing Soda, ToiletCleanef, Soap & Detergent, Bleaching Powder, Glass Cleaner, Lime Stone, Urea, Food Preservatives, etc

100 Marks

Total: 400 Marks


That is total 1000 Marks of written examination.

3. Viva:

The candidates who secured the required score in the written examination will face viva examination.

Passed Candidates in written examination, will be called at Viva. There will be no question outside of personal and legal questions. Be confident. Every question should be answered according to the perspective of the viva board. The candidate must present himself in a decent and elegant way. Required pass marks is 50 marks out of 100, Merit list will be added by adding Viva and Written number and recruitment in the Judicial Service Commission as Assistant Judge.

Now it is your time to get prepared for the BJSC exam of 2019, Like our Facebook Page and visit our site to get new Notice, to get Note, Guideline and Tutorial.

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Rayhanul Islam

Advocate Rayhanul Islam is the founder and Editor in Chief of Law Help BD. He is also a researcher. Critical thinking is his main focus. He is on a quest to bring positive change to the legal sector of Bangladesh. He promotes legal knowledge and human rights concept to the root level. e-mail:

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5 Responses

  1. md sohag mia says:

    very helpful.

  2. Atik says:

    one public student and same another student but from private University giving same effort for the exam who will get chance? My question is is it very hard to get chance in this exam for a private University student?

  3. Requirement foreign fund implement Bangladesh when be not fund of this movement why so much can letter my e-mail from Bangladesh.

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